Blueprint for Life blog

Friday, May 05, 2006

The Dream I Dream

Practical Exercise 1 says to list at least 25 things that I would dream of doing during my lifetime. What would I want for my life if I knew I couldn't fail? If money, status, etc. were no object? If I could just reach for the stars....what would my wildest dreams be? Ok, this might get kind of silly. In fact, it probably will. But hey, 'wildest dreams' aren't supposed to be based in reality. This is just an examination of where my heart is. So here goes:

  1. My first dream addresses the seemingly big hole in my life. I dream of meeting and marrying a godly man - one who really has a heart for the Lord. He's kind, generous, trustworthy and respectful - and looks alittle like Antonio Banderas.
  2. I would like to just go off for several months on a road trip across the United States and visit all the places I've never been to before.
  3. I would like to take a trip completely around the world.
  4. I would like to handglide across the mountains or parasail over the oceans.
  5. I would like to learn how to scuba dive, and explore the world's most beautiful coral reefs.
  6. I would like a job that is aligned with my purpose and passion, instead of one that doesn't really hold my interest, and I have to struggle to stay focused, and deal with a lot of stress and deadlines.
  7. I would like to find a way to earn multiple streams of revenue from the internet.
  8. I would like to see a need, and develop a product or method that solves the need, and let that become a basis for my own business.
  9. I would like to make a contribution to society that sets me in history.
  10. I would like to have enough money so that I'm working to accomplish my purpose, not to pay bills.
  11. I would like to live in a house mortgage-free, drive a car I paid cash for, and stay totally debt-free.
  12. I would like to abundantly fund my retirement account so that I can enjoy my golden years.
  13. I would like to become known in my community as someone who makes a difference.
  14. I would like to stay physically fit into my golden years.
  15. I would like to stay free of degenerative diseases such as cancer and heart disease.
  16. I would like to fully understand the specific reasons why God made me and the purposes he has for me.
  17. I would like to be seen as serving faithfully as a leader in my church.
  18. I would like to develop a musical talent, such as singing or playing a musical instrument, and be able to share it with my church.
  19. I would like to be the one sought out by people when they need encouragement and prayer.
  20. I would like to be the one sought out by people when they need to understand biblical truths.
  21. I would like the opportunity to lead multiple people to the Lord.
  22. I would like to flow in the spiritual gifts of prophecy, healings, miracles, tongues, interpretations, etc.
  23. I would like to maintain a core group of friends throughout my lifetime.
  24. If I would get married, I want to stay that way, and be a blessing to my husband.
  25. If I would have children, I would want to raise them to be godly, and encourage them to seek their purpose in life and pursue it.


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